7 September 2024




(RAMLAS 2024)


Pekanbaru, October 17th, 2024

Faculty of Law, University of Riau


The development of law, human rights, economy, socio-culture as well as defense and security in facing global challenges is a necessity that must be faced by Indonesia. Global challenges in the form of global economic uncertainty, climate change and war as well as trade competition and human rights and environmental issues associated with natural resource management greatly affect the policies to be issued by the Indonesian government.

Legal development refers to the process of structuring and perfecting the legal system to ensure justice and legal certainty. In the era of globalization, legal development faces complex challenges such as transnational crime, cybercrime, and changes in international regulations. States need to adapt their domestic laws to international standards to ensure the protection of citizens’ rights and strengthen international cooperation.

Human rights (HAM) are a fundamental principle that must be upheld by every country. In the global context, issues such as human trafficking, human rights violations in armed conflict, and racial and gender discrimination are of primary concern. Strong legal development must be accompanied by a commitment to the protection of human rights, both through national legislation and the implementation of international conventions.

An increasingly integrated global economy creates both opportunities and challenges. Countries should develop economic policies that can enhance international competitiveness while ensuring sustainability and inclusivity. Challenges such as economic inequality, climate change, and reliance on technology require a holistic approach that combines innovation, investment in education, and policy reform to support sustainable economic growth.

Socio-cultural aspects play an important role in shaping the identity and social cohesion of a country. In the face of globalization, societies are faced with the challenge of maintaining local cultural values while adopting positive aspects of global culture. Socio-cultural development should focus on improving the quality of education, preserving cultural heritage, and promoting tolerance and intercultural cooperation to prevent social conflicts and promote social harmony.

Defense and security are the foundations for national and international stability. In the face of global threats such as terrorism, nuclear weapons proliferation, and regional conflicts, states must strengthen defense and security systems through military modernization, effective intelligence, and international cooperation. In addition, cybersecurity is a major concern in the digital era, requiring robust policies and infrastructure to protect national data and networks.

In facing global challenges, legal development, human rights, economy, socio-culture, and defense and security must be harmoniously integrated. A comprehensive and collaborative approach is needed to create stability, prosperity, and world peace. States must commit to the principles of democracy, justice, and international cooperation to overcome challenges and seize the opportunities that exist in this era of globalization.



Based on the above background, the Faculty of Law, University of Riau considers it necessary to hold an International Conference, The 4th Riau Annual Meeting of Law and Social Sciences (RAMLAS) 2024 with the theme Legal Development, Human Rights, Economy, Social, Cultural And Security Defense In Facing Global Challenges” ;


The seminar will be held by      :  Hybrid

Plenary Session                           :  October 17th, 2024

Time                                              :  9.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. (Jakarta Local Time)

Place                                              :  Faculty of Law, University of Riau,   Jl. Pattimura No. 9, Gobah, Pekanbaru,



Abstract Deadline                    :  August 26th, 2024

Abstract Acceptance                    :  September 4th, 2024

Full paper Deadline                        :  September 30th, 2024

Payment Deadline                   :  October 7th, 2024

Annual Meeting                          :  October 17th, 2024

Full paper Revision                    :  October 31st, 2024

Selected paper will be considered to publish at :

  • Atlantis Press
  • Journal
  • Jurnal Ilmu Hukum (Sinta 3)
  • Journal MELAYUNESIA LAW (Sinta 4)
  • Riau Law Journal (Sinta 5)



The conference focused on Legal Development in Indonesia which is affected by conflicts and world crises. Legal development in the business sector, state administration and state administration, laws that affect investment and natural resource management are supported by other fields of science, namely Social Sciences, Psychology, History, Environment and health. Planning in every development is bound by law in order to realize legal certainty in state life and in international relations


The topics of RAMLAS 2024 is as follows:

  1. Law (International Law, Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, Business Law, Customary Law, Private Law, Administrative Law, Common Law and Health Law)
  2. Social Science (Sociology, Anthropology, Communication, Government, Politics, Philology, Economics, Accounting, Management, etc.).
  3. Local Wisdom.
  4. Psychology
  5. Historical
  6. Human Right and Business
  7. Law and Technology
  8. Pancasila and Civic Education
  9. Environment

The participants of RAMLAS 2024 are about 500 people that consisting of:

  1. Academics.
  2. Professionals.
  3. Bachelor’s degree, Magister, Ph.D. Students.
  4. Researchers.
  5. General.
  1. Dr. Ahmad Mujahid Ramli, SH, MH, FCBArb, (University of Padjadjaran) Business Law, Intellectual Property Rights and Artificial Intelligence.
  2. Prof. Dr. Eng. Sastia Prama Putri, B,Sc, M.Eng, (University of Osaka). Legal Aspects of Global Food Security
  3. Michael George Hayes, B.A, M.A, Ph.D, (Mahidol University, Thailand) Business Law, Human Rights, Environment and Climate Change.
  4. Prof. Sonny Zulhuda, LLM, MCL, Ph.D (International Islamic University of Malaysia), Cyber Law.


  1. Rahmat G.M. Manik +62 823 8244 4654  (Phone / WA)

e-mail :  rahmatgm@lecturer.unri.ac.id

  1. Mumaddun K. Salami +62 821 3212 5926  (Phone / WA)

e-mail :  mumaddun,khaerudin@lecturer.unri.ac.id


For more detail : https://ramlas.fh.unri.ac.id

Email address : ramlas.fh@staff.unri.ac.id